Facade Engineering

We provide advisory, specifying and designing façade services as follows:

As Advisors, we provide

Advice on procurement method

Advice on value for money systems

Value engineer architects and contractors proposals

Opinion on design and specification at any given stage

Test Shop drawing assess the capabilities of contractors, system providers, fabricators and installers,

As Specifiers we,

 Work with the Client / Architect to describe design intent and parameters

Provide sufficient specification to define design

Provide sufficient generic detail and specification where applicable to invite variety proposals from system providers.

As Designers we,

Work with the Client / Architect to graphically define design intent and parameters

Agree procurement method

Provide sufficiently detailed design to invite variety proposals from system providers.

Lead or participate in the tender, bidding and selection process.

Advice on value for money systems

Verify the capabilities of successful bidder and their supply chain.

Value-engineer the proposal where applicable

Provide full detail design service where applicable.

Assess contractors’ programmes and schedules for design, fabrication and installation.

Verify and test fabrication and installation drawings.

 Monitor performance and installation process.

Verify contractors’ method statements.

Monitor / witness testing and commissioning.

Our façade services spans:

Curtain walling




Rainscreen cladding

This includes:

Thermal and Acoustic analysis,

Stress / strain analysis,

Interface and Fit, and

Pertinent to façade made of:

Concrete, Stone, Masonry,

ETFE, Glass, Aluminium, Steel, etc.


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