Tender Action

On request, we go beyond the submission of tender documentation and participate on behalf of or along with our client in the process of Identification and Evaluation of potential contractors and/or specialists for the manufacture of components and construction of the project.

If instructed we expand our tender services beyond the submission of tender documentation to cover the participation on behalf of, or along with, our client in the process of Identification and Evaluation of potential contractors and/or specialists for the construction phase of the project: Compiling tender documents, studying contractor’s proposals, assessing contractor capabilities, and submitting recommendations to the client. Tender Action (Stage H)


C- Outline Proposals:

Commence development of strategic brief into full project brief.

Preparation of outline proposals and estimate of cost.

Review of procurement route.


D- Detailed Proposals:

Complete development of the brief

Preparation of detailed proposals.

Application for full development control approval.


E- Final Proposals:

Preparation of final proposals for the project sufficient for co-ordination of all components and elements of the project.


F- Production Information:

F1 Preparation of production information in sufficient detail to enable a tender or tenders to be obtained.

Application for statutory approvals.

F2 Stage F2 not required for design and build.


G- Tender Documentation:

Preparation and collation of tender documentation (comprising the employer’s Requirement and the tender pricing documents) in sufficient detail to enable potential customer’s to prepare and submit a price and contractor’s proposals a tender or tenders to be obtained for the construction of the project.


H- Tender Action:

Identification and evaluation of potential contractors and/or specialists for the construction of the project.

Obtaining and appraising tenders and contractor’s proposals and submission of recommendations to the client.



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